Friday 2 March 2012


Definisi Platonik:
Macmillan English Dictionary For Advanced Learners (International Students Edition) 2002 - is one relationship that is friendly but does not involve sex
Carian Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu DBP - semata-mata bersifat spiritual, bukan didorong oleh atau bermotifkan keinginan nafsu syahwat (bkn hubungan persahabatan atau kasih sayang)

Semalam my dearest friend, B asked me what if a couple separated, could they be friend after that? Aku terdiam sekejap. Kalau dulu, mungkin aku akan menjawab - "Yeah, why not?! Maybe you both don't deserve to be a couple but perhaps you guys can turn out as a good pal." Pada aku, tak salah nak berkawan. Tak baik nak bermusuhan.

Tapi itu dulu. DULU! Meskipun waktu 'dulu' itu aku sudah bergelar Mr HateLove. Aku cuba bersikap rasional waktu itu. Tetapi kini aku lebih rasional. Terlebih. Berlebih2. Setelah apa yang terjadi pada aku, andai bila diajukan soalan yang sama, jawapan aku - "IMPOSSIBLE! What is history let it remain as history. Just move on. There is no longer 'us' in the middle of the sentence. Just 'you' and 'I' now. Separately." 

Sounds like aku nih emo. Tapi that's the fact. Aku dah tak nampak kewajarannya for the exes nak berbaik dan jadi kawan. Platonic doesn't apply in this case because the relationship itself was started with a feeling. The famous L word. Love. Or maybe lust. Though the feeling has faded away yet there is still hole that been left. And you cannot just buried it like how cat buried it's poops. It's not as simple as that.

For the person who left, it's not a problem to be friends again but for the person that been left (or can I say  been dumped), it wasn't easy. Why? Because, he still have feeling towards that person. Bukan senang nak menghadapinya sebenarnya. Kalau masa bercinta nak rak pun masih rindu2, apalagi bila dah keseorangan? Ya, masih boleh berhubung dan bertanya khabar tapi sekarang dah kena ada limit. Dulu time bercinta, selang 5minit mesej... rindu la, trade gambar la... hape la... tapi kalau dah nama kawan, boleh lagi ke semua tuh? If you say that normal for friends, then that's gotta be wrong somewhere. Another thing is, misal kata bila yang meninggalkan tuh bertemu cinta baru, of course, dia akan share berita baik dengan kawan2. And how do you expect your ex to accept that news though verbally he agreed with the 'BFF status' and fine with everything? In the name of GOD, it's killing, man!! It's damn killing. It feels like the heart been stabbed not once, not twice, and not even thrice... it seems like it goes on forever! Damn bloody pain!!!!

That's what I said to her, it ain't gonna work out. As long as the feeling is still there, you won't be able to get near to him even in 1meter radius. All those goosebumps, butterfly in the stomach..... will make you sick and will be stuck nowhere. At least until she manage to get back all her guts. But as for now.... let's just pray.

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